On the actual scientifically proven health benefits of Kombucha
I have been given Kombucha by a recent acquaintance and this mate of mine spared no time in positive adjectives about this Thing! This is the most accurate name I can attribute it since my wife tells...
View ArticleIntelligence is an evolutionary aberration
The first thing people should have on their minds is that thinking is a form of meditation, of organising perceptions that are in need of alignment. And these perceptions need aligning in order to gain...
View ArticleWe are in this situation because our governments and us (citizens) were...
There's a massive, almost unprecedented for our times, health and economic crisis concerning the upsurge of a viral pandemic (SARS-CoV-2) and everyone can read about it anywhere in the globe. Media are...
View ArticleHow easy is it for viruses to mutate?
It is a pleasure to be back, and believe me it hasn't been easy being away for so long. However, in all honesty, my absence wasn't result of my immediate choice. I have been flooded with work and the...
View ArticleA short opinion on the toxicity of social networks
As I was having a conversation with a few friends on the topic of extremism and populism, fake news and poor scientific data evidence, I produced a text that they asked me to publish, as they consider...
View ArticleWhat Topic Would You Like To See Discussed Next
Hi everyone, I am finally back from my well-deserved holidays and eager to start posting as much as possible once again. Only this time I'd like to use mine and your time in a much better way, so...
View Article111 + covid-19 = a system of 2 that when resolved ends up with lim XY-> +-00
Due to this damn pandemic, family and also professional obligations, it has been increasingly more difficult for me to update the blog. I love the science and the art of writing about science, but I am...
View ArticleThe science of our days - a post a day!
I've been reading a lot of stuff during this crazy year of 2020, but haven't had the chance to compile and make sense of all the relevant information. I thought of using the blog to aid me in the task...
View ArticleA variant of SARS-CoV-2 can still be out there, and we may be the lucky ones...
A friend of mine has brought to my attention an article recently published on the effects of a major deletion in the SARS-CoV-2-genome [1] (the coronavirus genetic pool, let's say) on the severity of...
View ArticleDifferences between pneumonitis occurring with immunotherapy and COVID-19
I've recently took some new training courses as part of my professional role as a medical information specialist, and in one of these I was lucky to be clarified on a current and important aspect...
View ArticleHerd Immunity - the unheard of approach for managing this Pandemic
By the start of this corona virus pandemic, my wife and I sat down and immediately agreed that in order to save the global economies, one would have to make concessions, and the most difficult one is...
View ArticleDid you know that ...
Altmetric is a tool that allows you to collect and collate research information spread out in the web using a really helpful interface that provides you information on how your own research is seen by...
View ArticleOn the validity of a second lockdown in the UK
I believe I have stated many times before that I don't like fashion science TV, in the sense that it keeps talking exhaustively about a topic mumbling and chewing up on things that have been...
View ArticleOpportunities, Challenges, and Considerations related to laboratory reporting...
Considering that Infectious Diseases, especially those deriving from zoonotic sources, currently contribute approximately 20% of the global annual death causes and 10% of the total disease burden in...
View ArticleA necessary change of direction for the PACK
It has been incredibly hard for me to write with the frequency that I so much wish. Not only the several lockdown and quarantine restrictions impacted on my availability to research the different...
View ArticleWhat are 'The effects of plant-based diets on pancreatic beta-cell function'?...
My good friend Robert Janko has published a systematic review on a very relevant topic for all of us in this day and age, especially because diabetes is still a recurrent topic for any age section, but...
View ArticleWhy do pandemic viral infections come in waves?
Hello readers and welcome to yet another very short post. I have been very busy over the past months, can barely make it to write anything, especially when considering the fact that I am still in the...
View ArticleWhat are 'The effects of plant-based diets on pancreatic beta-cell function'?...
On the second part of this analysis I would like to focus entirely and immediately on the study findings rather than dwelling too much on the strengths, limitations and possible confounders of the...
View ArticleOn Japanese Encephalitis
As part of my ongoing professional training I have recently come across a range of pharmaceutical products indicated for ailments that were partly unknown to me, but that due to their profile I...
View ArticleSome say Lion's Mane mushroom is the Jungle's King in fighting...
Very recently, an incredible docuseries debuted on Netflix. It covers the highly interesting world of Fungi, their emergence as kings of the ecosystems, debunking the public generalised idea of an...
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