A young person is coughing, no high temperature, no persistent cough, a productive one rather than dry, no loss of sense of smell or taste. Keeps munching them baked beans on toast like before and can still identify a strawberry flavored lollipop amidst all green vegetables existing in a not-so-confined-space. So you call the number advised, 111 and add to that a proposed website in order to book a covid-19 test. Covid-19 plus 15 minutes filling up a virtual form results in a system of two equations, the first derives into a drive-through test site (the same one that sent a guy from Kent to Edinburgh for a 7ish hour ride enjoying the tar landscapes of A1) and the other one entails a home test. A simple logical (not so much mathematical at all) observation would expect the common denominator to be... common... in both these system equations, i.e., covid-19 testing. Nothing more and nothing less than the only thing deemed possible for to trace the 'likely' presence/absence of the viral agent. However, there aren't any available tests or availability in the postcode-designated test-sites. If one tries 111 once again one realises that 111 is a number that ends up in formula circularisation, like the ones we mistakenly produce when we get slightly confused when operating calculation spreadsheets, ergo not providing any possible solution but stressing and acting like a headless chicken. One could consider calling 111 once again, thus restarting the formula and wildly attempting application of randomness, envisioning an unexpected successful randomness. But hell no!; the line will advise you to not attempt booking a test via phone and directs one to the very same website that will reinforce you to not call the line as all tests should be booked online. But... but there are no tests, so cone opts in for dying of anxiety or of the disease or utter madness trying to crack this impossible function where:
111 + covid-19 = X + Y with lim X-> +-00 and lim Y-> +-00